You can use screen recording tools like RecordRTC for Google Chrome browser to record your screen, camera, mic, and speaker activity.
You use this to record Google Meet and Google Hangout video conferences, for example.
We are recommending RecordRTC because it is free for everyone to use. Paid options include tools like Screecastify and Screecast-o-matic.
1. Download RecordRTC Google Chrome Extension
Click on this link to go to the URL to download the extension from the Chrome Web Store
2. Record your browser with the RecordRTC extension
The extension will be in the upper right corner of your browser

Look for the RecordRTC icon

3. Choose the option that you would like to record
Screen + Microphone + Speakers is the option that will record everything happening in the meeting.

4. Allow access to your microphone and camera

5. When ready, click on the icon to stop the recording

6. Save your video to your file system

A new tab will open. You will need to "save" the file from the browser session to a place on your hard drive that is easy to find.